A huge number of schools in the United Kingdom were established as Christian schools with an explicit Christian ethos.
Sadly, many of these schools no longer have Christian teachers who teach subjects from a biblical worldview perspective.
Christ-centred schools are those that take their Christianity seriously.
They understand that their duty is to support Christian parents to see their values and faith passed on to their children.
This requires that teachers and other key staff members are Christians and that every area of study is submitted to Jesus Christ as Lord.
These schools can be very precious places of safe nurture and faith-filled discipleship.
They are mostly low cost, independent schools, with incredible testimonies of God’s provision.
Find out more about these schools – and how to start one – below.
Key resources
- A short case for a Christian education
- How to start a new Christian school
- How to respond to the unfair tax on Christ-centred schools
- Strong in the Lord: the future of Christian schools
- Is there a God-given mandate to educate our children?
- Why should the church fund schools?
- Is education affecting the mental health of our children?
- Is there a case for Christ-centred schools?