Schools in the United Kingdom have a rich Christian heritage.
Nevertheless, state funded schools can be difficult for Christians to navigate as parents, teachers or pupils.
Since the vast majority of children go to these schools – even from Christian families – Christians and churches have an enormous opportunity (and responsibility) to influence what is taught and modelled to young people.
Resources from Christian Concern
- Educating our children: what can churches, parents and school staff do?
- How to successfully raise your voice as a parent
- Can I withdraw my child? Advice on issues with sex education
- Christian coalition challenges headteachers on RSE responsibilities
- New Relationships Education planner for primary schools
- School’s guide to respecting religious beliefs in RSE
- The challenge of being a Christian teacher in a state school
- Consultation: raise your voice on inappropriate curriculum
Some state schools have faithful Christian leadership and there are a few multi-academy trusts that still prioritise an emphasis on Christian witness and biblical truth within the state system.
If you would like to know more about these, please contact us.
Other websites and organisations
Many Christian organisations and ministries exist to support Christians as they seek to influence schools.
Several of them are listed below – we are not responsible for the content on each website but have reason to believe they are Christians seeking to be faithful to God and his word.
- Adventure Plus
- Association of Christian Teachers
- Bible Society (resources for schools, including Open the Book)
- Festive (Further Education and Sixth Forms)
- Good News for Everyone (formerly GideonsUK – free Bibles and resources)
- Kick (Sports Ministry in schools)
- Message Trust – Respect ME (Relationships and wellbeing)
- Pray for Schools
- Prayer Spaces in Schools
- Rock UK (outdoor adventure charity)
- School Pastors
- Scripture Union (Resources and training for schools ministry)
- Youth for Christ (Youth ministry resources)
- Love Early Years
- SEN Help