We have had hundreds of communications from Christian parents and teachers deeply disturbed by the content of Relationships and Sex Education being taught to children.
Politicians, such as Miriam Cates MP, have been inundated with horror stories of deeply age-inappropriate content being delivered. Yet inspectors from Ofsted and the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate continue to downgrade schools which don’t teach gender identity or promote same-sex sexual relationships.
Finally, in a statement in response to Miriam Cates at the Education Select Committee, Amanda Spielman, the outgoing Chief Inspector, agreed that schools should be, as Miriam explains, “sharing learning materials with parents without restriction, and that claims of copyright infringement should not be used to prevent them from being seen.”
Anything taught by schools, according to law, should respect the rights of parents to teach children according to their religion. And yet parents have had curriculum concealed systematically, especially where partisan, ideologically driven ‘equality’ organisations have been providing training and curriculum to schools. Since the introduction of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), this has become a multimillion-pound business where parents can be blissfully ignorant of the content being sold and actively welcomed into schools for their children to be indoctrinated by.
Since the implementation of the RSE legislation, parents have always had and still have the right to be fully engaged with, and, in England, to be able to withdraw their children from Sex Education. Yet parents are being duped as sexual elements continue to be embedded not only in Relationships Education, but also in Health Education, PSHE and across the whole curriculum. Parents across the United Kingdom need to be aware of the rights they have.
Inspectors are being trained to fail schools which do not promote and teach in detail about the protected characteristics of sexual orientation and gender reassignment. On multiple occasions Ofsted inspectors almost totally disregard the other protected characteristics such as age and religion, in favour of advancing a preparation through curriculum for what they often call ‘life in modern Britain’.
This approach from Ofsted and ISI, has emboldened schools with activist staff, or who receive training from Stonewall or other organisations, to enforce their agenda on schools through curriculum. However this statement from His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of schools, should embolden parents to demand to know the details of what and how any curriculum related to sexual issues will be taught to their children.
Parents have the opportunity to be involved in consultations regarding Relationships and Sex Education, but sadly many are missing these opportunities. Whenever the RSE policy is revised the school is required to invite parents and the community, which often includes churches, to consider their approaches.
However, parents often first realise the sudden move to indoctrinate children through sexualised curriculum when their son or daughter mentions what they have been learning in school, or when the Pride-like celebration is advertised in the school newsletter. We must encourage all parents to engage as early and often as possible.
This has come to the attention of Miriam Cates and to Amanda Spielman because complaints have started to come in. But there are nowhere near enough yet. Silence, from fear of upsetting the status quo has been the choice of too many churches and parents. We often do not like to complain.
Unless effective formal complaints are written to schools and to Ofsted and the Department for Education, the scale of the disquiet especially from Christian parents, will indirectly effect a steady change to what is deemed acceptable for our children to be exposed to in schools. We have produced a guide to how you as a parent, or even as a member of the local community can successfully complain and engage with your school.
Now is not a time to remain silent, and this response from HMCI should help parents argue that they should see the curriculum being presented to their children.
Gillian Keegan
We explained recently about the appointment of the new Secretary of State for Education Gillian Keegan, and concerns that she has styled herself as an LGBTQI+ ally. The guidance about to be published before Christmas on advice regarding how schools should handle transgender issues is awaited by parents with much trepidation. The Association of Christian Teachers has written to her explaining, “many schools are now instructing staff to affirm children, without medical evidence or parental knowledge, in whichever gender they choose.”
This approach flows from the curriculum the teachers are being trained to deliver to children.
The cases of Nigel and Sally Rowe, Bernard Randall, and Izzy Montague demonstrate there is a need for our inspectorates to change their training and monitoring of schools. When will a school be failed for its partisan promotion of sex and gender ideologies, through age-inappropriate curriculum and reading material which is opposed to the values of Christian parents. When will a school be failed for its lack of transparency with parents, or downright deliberate concealment, of key curriculum materials.
Amanda Spielman conceded in the select committee that “To withhold materials from parents is worrying” and “as a matter of principle I would expect every school to be showing their parents what they’re teaching”. This would be a significant change and Ofsted must play their part to make sure this occur.