
Through the Christian Legal Centre, we provide legal support to Christians who are unashamed of Jesus and the truth that flows from him.

Many of the cases have to do with education. Find out more about them below.

Gozen Soydag – a school pastoral manager in North London – was sacked for supporting a biblical view of marriage on her influential social media account.

Bernard was dismissed from his role as school chaplain and reported to the government’s terrorist watchdog, Prevent, for a sermon he gave at the school on ‘identity politics’.

Joshua Sutcliffe, a maths teacher, was disciplined after allegedly ‘misgendering’ a pupil who self-identified as a boy, and for critiquing Islam on his personal YouTube channel.

Kristie lost her job as a school pastoral assistant for sharing her concerns about RSE on a private Facebook post.

Hannah lost her job as a primary school teacher after raising safeguarding concerns over a child that was socially ‘transitioning’ gender at her school.

Izzy Montague faced victimisation after she raised concern about her son’s primary school promoting LGBT issues to children as young as four and five.

Nigel and Sally Rowe are challenging trans-affirming school policies after being told that their son ‘misgendering’ a child could be considered a form of bullying.

Keith Waters, a pastor, was pushed out of his part-time job as a school caretaker after he sent a tweet warning that Pride events are harmful to children.

Felix was expelled from his university social work course after posting comments on his Facebook page in support of Biblical teaching.

Vicky Allen, a teaching assistant, was disciplined for answering a student’s question on same-sex relationships.

Teacher Glawdys Leger faced losing her career for refusing to teach LGBTQI lessons in a Church of England school.

Calvin and Nicola Watts challenged their children’s Church of England primary school for secretly teaching extreme trans ideology.