Help children to flourish in Christ.
At the heart of education is the hope for a better future.
What is that vision?
Is the goal to produce world-class academics? To create entrepreneurs who will start tech companies worth billions of pounds? To build a more ‘diverse’ and ‘inclusive’ society?
Or do we want to see nations filled with faithful, wise, courageous disciples of Jesus Christ?
Our values play the central role in deciding what kind of education we want children to receive. For Christians, nothing could be more important than to see the next generation embrace the Lord Jesus Christ with living faith.
Christian education – whatever the context – has a vital role to play in this discipleship.
When parents, teachers and church leaders commit to teaching children to seek and follow God in every area of their study, we begin to see a generation of young Christians who love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, strength and mind.
With Jesus Christ at the heart of their lives, they are equipped to fulfil their calling – as a scholar, business leader, politician, parent, pastor or in any other vocation.
Equip yourself for Christian education
Whatever your circumstances, Christian education can help you as you raise and disciple your children.
If your children go to a state school, the resources here can keep you aware of the key issues, so that you can support the teachers and be prepared to challenge your school when necessary.
Increasing numbers of Christian families are turning to home education instead of, or to supplement, a school education. There are many excellent Christian resources to help you with this on our home education page.
Finally, Christ-centred schools with Christian teachers committed to discipling the children in their charge can be very precious places, supporting parents as they raise their children in the faith.
Teachers, what an incredible influence you can have day by day.
The resources here should give you equipping in knowing how to handle yourself as a wise and faithful teacher of God’s precious creations: children and young people.
Play your part in influencing your local school by offering people and services who can shape life within the school community.
Church Leaders
In Deuteronomy 6, the whole community of Israel was told to ‘impress upon [their] children’ the story of who God is and the purposes in his love for his people.
Parents have the primary responsibility in this, but the whole church community can and should be supporting them.
Consider how you could be supporting parents in their role beyond your Sunday service.
Could your church even take the bold initiative of starting a Christian school?