Some have described a ‘mental health pandemic’ among our children and young people these days. Certainly the numbers of young people struggling with their mental health have been rising in recent years, but is it education that could be affecting them?
Steve Beegoo, Head of Education at Christian Concern, explains: “Is it any wonder they’re self-harming and turning to drugs or gender identity clinics for solutions? … Social media sexualisation, the pornification of culture and isolation from real friendships becomes too much, and children are told the best they can do is find out their own identity based on their feelings, express it, and then work to make their dreams come true. They’re told there’s no Creator, no purpose behind who they are, no purpose beyond themselves…”
But this is isn’t the story is every school. Studies show that children and young people in new independent Christian schools are far less likely to think that life was not worth living. Why? Because they are given purpose. As parents and teachers, isn’t that a challenge to think about how what we teach our children can affect their mental wellbeing?